Monday, August 31, 2009

What is life's greatest achievement?

back from teacher's day celebration in school. it was ok, i guess? dance was cool, singing was cool, overall was cool. anw, caius was at my house yst and we, including ty, made sth for dearest Pek. just passed it to her in school, hope she'll like it. she beta says she do, or else... well, while i was in the bus, i was thinking that i should have gave her a packet of tissues instead, since she cry hella lots. HAHA. kidding, pplz. uh currently, i'm stuck at home. i have totally no idea what to do. my aunt leaving for Malaysia today and will be back on Sept4. crap, manz. -_- buzy her. intending to spend time w/ her tmr since it's a holiday but i guess not anymore. ): sadz so ima stop short. peace to all. /\
and lastly,

Sunday, August 30, 2009

It ain't over 'till it's over.

back from a church service and i'm so damn friggin' tired right now. ima go take a nap after blogging. woke up at 0800 but i slept at 0400 yst. idk what's up w/ me l8ly. it just seem as tho i'm getting used to this routine. o well. anw, today was way toooooooooo awesome. HAHA, honestly. the church was celebrating their 31st Anniversary, congratz. well, bear w/ me. this gonna be a really long post, soz. so i went w/ 2aunts, ty and caius. aw, royce can't make it. ): but it was still good. they had some famous ppl and rich man to share their own testimony. inspiring and amazing i can say. oh btw, the theme was "If i were rich..." so, some famous and rich ppl were Datuk Edward Ong, Benny Prasad, Hagen Tan and Professor Freddy Boey. i luv every of their life story. Datuk is some kinda rich man which started a world-class resort in Sabah. wowiez. he's filthy rich, manz. that resort project itself cost him US$300millions. gay much? and before he received christ, he gambles hella lots. lots as in US$1million for just 3days. what a rich bch. -_- yesh but he don't right now. sucha nice guy. :) Benny is the most widely travelled indian musician. he's totally awesome and funny. he had a really sad childhood cuz everyone felt that he's really useless at that time. wth? but right now, he is famous and got invited to perform at places like, 2004 Greece Olympics and 2006 Fifa World Cup in Germany etc. i kid u not, ok. he even create the first drum cum guitar in the history. fgs, how talented is he? :O and i rmbed him saying this,"someone told me i'm still useful. he said i can still be use to be an example for refering to bad example." uh, do u guys get it? lol, that someone should bang the wall. >.> another one from him,"Dreaming is free so why not dream big." luv this sentence, HAHA. the whole main thing was god still use him even tho everyone thinks he's useless. ok, next was real funny. i'm not so much of a Hagen Tan's fan. he is probably a popular singer to others but this is the first time i've eva heard of him. oops. :\ anw, he is god damn hilarious. manz, he got me and my sis ROFLMAO. adorable him. his mum have 14 siblings and by god's grace, every each of them are christian now. unbelievable but it's true. lastly, Professor Freddy's turn. he is a real good speaker or should i say, motivator? honestly, he speaks w/ much conviction and everything he said makes perfect sense. church is the only company that gonna last till eternity, not Mac or w/e. i somehow got touched when he asked if do we even know how much we worth. million or what? but the truth was, we worth way more than that. we worth the body of Jesus. allow me to elaborate on that. ok, Jesus is god and why would Jesus, the perfect guy, came down to die for each of our sins? have u palz ever wonder? imagine him carrying gazillion tons of our sins on his shoulder and died on the cross. and yesh, the pain was indeed excruciating but still, he did it. c'mon, what exactly are we to deserve this? the reason he did it was b/c we worth too much. even if it's only just u in the world, Jesus would still come down to die for u. at that point, i nearly broke down. this was way too noble. anw, the whole service ended ard 1230. so we headed to Marina Square for our lunch. oh, w8. actually, bbt first. w00t! Swensens for lunch, rofl. i ordered clayfish pasta. delicious, sorta. shared banana crumple w/ sis as i know i'm unable to finish one on my own. joke hella lots here and there. ROFLMAO. ima not say it much here cuz it's really too much. oh and one of my aunt is learning french so she randomly said from 1 to 10 in the public. i happened to hear it so i was like, what? mind repeating? and so, she repeated. i began laughing so hard when she said 1 in french cuz it sounded like, oun. it was funny from the way she pronounced it. after that, i went to tell my sis about it and we laughed tgt. continue asking for repeats=laughing harder. lol, so cute of her. my stomach kinda became cramp and tight from all those hardcore laughing. HAHA. anw, me, ty and caius bus over to bpp to buy some stuffs. we are planning to make sth for dear Pek. yesh, so i should get down to work now. gotta thanks god for this lovely day. thankiez to my aunts, sis and caius for today. (L)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've let u guys down again.

i'm at my aunt's hse. again. this time, we are going to celebrate my cousin's b'day. not baking cookies or w/e, ok. guess i'll come back to post l8r, after the whole "party". brb. :)

the "party" was awesome. hella lots of my cousins came at ard 1800 while me and my sis were having our dinner first. well, the food was awesome too. aiyah. basically, everything was awesome. HAHA. so after eating, we quickly siam. reason was we doesn't wanna be inconsiderate. oh and caius came w/ a bball! w00t. but we didn't went down to the court immediately. me, ty, caius and royce watched some youtube vid. caius showed us an official music vid of one time by Justin Bieber. manz, what can i say? he is cute cum hot. rofl. but sadly, he's 15 w/o puberty? :O lol, my bad. not w/o puberty, it just that his voice hasn't break yet. hmm, yesh. but idc, the song he sang was good. like, hella good. this result to me and my sis going bonkers after seeing his music vid. >.> yesh. typical girls? but the most funny part was when caius asked royce whether is he really that hot. royce goes,"of coz. b/c that is me." this makes us ROFLMAO. o god, royce... he can be so silly at times. lol, so that is royce for u. o btw, the song is in my playlist. mmk, fast forward. so me, my sis and caius played bball at the court nearby. wasn't that fun until one of our cousin came. he got his knee ligament torn and undergo an operation not long ago so he can't play much sports but still, caius and him paired up against me and ty. and excuse me? they, against the twinz? HAHA. so duhz, twinz owned them. good game tho. it was funny too. esp when jonas can't run and poor caius have to take down 2 ppl alone. no hard feeling, ya? rofl. went to buy bbt after that. this time, caven came along w/ us. so we the foursome went searching for bbt shop. o boy, caven was troublesome and we gotta give in. cuz u know, kids. can't complain much. @.@ o well. head back to aunt's hse. caius showed us some awesome youtube vids again. there's this guy, he is god damn incredible. trust me. super talented, manz. we watched top10 funny NBA plays too. the top1 was like, damn gay. so, we got ourselves ROFLMAO again. we were like, wth?!?! lol. at ard 2100, it was time to cut the cake. ok, not so much of a yummy cake tho. :\ hmm. slacked a lil and caius, royce, caven and others had to go. aww. ): aftermath, everything turns boring. 20< (age) cousins went to play mahjong in a room. yesh, ditchers? anw, my grandma is silly cum hilarious. lol, doesn't wanna touch much on that. she can be so lovable at times. (L) it's l8 now and i'm still blogging. damn mum for leaving at 2300. -_- i should go get some sleep soon as i predict that tmr's gonna be hell for me. long day, actually. cuz me, ty and caius are going out w/ my aunt at 0930. um, think to some church conference or sth? maybe royce is coming too if it doesn't crash w/ his tuition schedule. :\ pray so. he can be sucha clown, rofl. kinda looking forward. as for my ending, i would like to truly apologise to gina, mingyee and jiahui. i know i've been rather off this days. gimme some time to reflect, ok? it do make me feel bad. leaving u guys and church is the last thing i would eva do. i'm sorry for being sucha failure, palz. ):

Friday, August 28, 2009

I have left a mark.

greetings to all. i'm currently over at my aunt's hse. reasons being here were 1) visit my grandma. 2) marshmellows w/ chocol8. (melt chocol8 btw) yes, but not that i can't melt the baking chocol8 at home but somehow and somewhat, i feel that baking and stuffs in her hse gimme the feeling like i'm a pro baker? HAHA. funny. ok, just so u know. my mom came over few mins ago, idk what her reasons are. anw, school was kinda slack today. i so luv friday. maths first, i slept for 30mins. not that i wanna sleep. actually, i could be awake throughout but the Catholics have to go for their CAC so while w8ing for them to be back in class, i just wanna take a short nap. i swear. just a really short nap, probably 5-10mins. blah. and when i heard Tom ho's voice as he was just about to start the lesson so his damn voice bring me back to the real world. yeah, that's when i found out that it was alr 0830. after maths, it was poa. >.> h8 it cuz i don't get it, mostly tho. oh, someone smack me plz. my study attitude sucks l8ly. why? ): sad manz. but i had just one thing to keep me happy. the next lesson, P.E. HAHA. but unfortun8ly, we spent 30 freaking mins away! i'm not counted in the we tho. i prepared myself way earlier. still, all for one, one for all. @.@ sometimes i h8 this saying/quote/phrase or w/e u called it. o well, i played bball w/ my classmates. don't wanna elabor8 on it cuz um. um. um. it's gay? nvm, forget it. english was the last period. no cracking of brain, just some checking of ans. slack much? rofl.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quit it.

11 more days, wth? anw, typical school day. o god, my mind is filled w/ musics. i really need music to study if not i'll gone bonkers. @.@ maybe not that extreme. think i'll just be unable to concentrate well. yeah, that's me for u. rofl. ok, yst night was awful. my damn bedroom light was spoilt. -_- manz, i was like, super scared. y'all might find it weird, like, why do i need light when i was even going to sleep. idw say much here. those who are close to me will know, HAHA. and yes! so i text 3 ppl but none reply. can't blame them cuz it was alr 0100 or so. after that, i somehow got assured. thanks god for that, really. i kept chanting to myself that god is just right by my side and demolished the thought of ghost. i have to admit, i do have wild imagination. :\ argh, w/e. oh dad, plz fixed the light soon. D:

received a text from jiahui 10mins ago,
great mind.
genius mind.
brilliant mind.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


dang, it's back again. stupid lappy, go to hell. as u can see, today was really, absolutely, definitely not my day. i think i'm pissed w/ alot of stuffs? what's w/ Tom ho? -_- srsly. damn him for doubting me. sthu if udk anything, fgs. ASDFGHJKL! so yeah, there goes half of my day. thanks alot, manz. >.>

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Too many stuffs, too lil time.

ima die-hard study maniac for this coming weeks. duh, cuz of N levels. currently, ima go work a hell lot harder in SS. h8 regretting so i guess i should and must beta start now. well, decided to home study instead. after school tho, meaning ima skip ec. pray that mum would help me write the letter tmr. if not, gl to myself then. hmm. thinking of giving up for poa. but should i or no? advice needed and i'll truly appreciate that. mmk, gotta finish up the letter. as u know, there's simply no time to waste...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shine like stars.

o well, am really going to fall sick soon. D:
idk, kept sneeeeeeezing like hell. guess my nose gonna dropped off sooner or l8r. :\ gross, i know. uh oh. my head feel so heavy now. aw, any good soul out there to save me from my misery? it probably had to do w/ today's training. hmm, lemme see. we train under hot sun. run like some mad cows. sweat like dogs. yeah so it must be due to the training. still, it's acceptable. idm at all. but srsly, our stamina sucks to the core and what's w/ those attitudes? i mean c'mon la. this is what we gonna endure and go through in order to play like champions. who would wanna play bball like some noobs? honestly. anw, no offence here. :) so don't get the wrong idea. am not being mean here, HAHA. alright. basically, that's all i would like to say. now, ima go buck up in my studies. hw time. >.> peace. \/

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Damn lappy2.

happy birthday to my hot stuff, Kobe Bryant. (L)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Damn lappy.

yawn, just showered. well, i cbb to blog anything today as sth's wrong w/ my keyboard and typing. trust me, it's annoying. perhaps tmr or some other day, yeah?

Friday, August 21, 2009

How beautiful is it, just to be like this.

hey, guess what? today was so embarrassing but yet fun at the same time. ok, let's not talk more about school. oh w8, just one thing. wanna thanks god that 4/3 isn't cursed afterall, rofl. @.@ well, it didn't rain during P.E but it still did after that. HAHA, so idc. finally managed to have P.E lesson after a few weeks of Prelims and monsoon wed. >.> so, skipskipskip. me and ty went to my aunt's place again to visit my grandma. surprisingly, my cousin was in too, w/ his cousins too. rofl, confused much? nvm, the main thing was, me and ty played his PS2. (marvel vs capcom and Fifa World Cup) mhmm. not to show off but i owned my sis in M vs C. HAHA, close game tho. so as for FWC, we both sucks. as in, alot and i mean it. we were in the same team as ty wanted so. first match: Italy (us) vs England (com). we so got pwned by England. -_- 8-0. wth. just then, my cousin came in and saw the score so he was like, why England? choose some other noob country. fine, i give in cuz previously i look down on England. >.> my bad. alright. second match: England (us) vs USA (com). still, we got owned. 4-1. and y'all know what? that goal that we made was like, super tyco. ok, listen. so ty got the ball and as she was passing the ball to me, a stupid USA player came in between of us and knocked that ball in the post. SCORE! my cousin and us were laughing so hard. that is srsly gay, manz. roflmao. anw, my grandma is cute. she was talking on the phone w/ Lex, making some weird and funny voices. i mean, really, i just so luv them. (L) anw, guess ima go do some hw. peace.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chocol8 rush.

dang, i can't stand poa lessons. i mean, really. Mrs Koor is like, talking poa language? >.> drawings are transferred to the business firm, blah. o god, can i dropped it? S.O.S. anw, great thing was, there's no geo ec today. ok, maybe there was but Mrs Steven wouldn't be in class for w/e reason. W00t! i would rather do home study. nth much happened today but i enjoyed talking to my aunt. me, ty and her shared 'bout ministry stuffs. what she said really make sense and guess what?! she'll be coming to my church combined service this sat. awesome huh? HAHA. so as u guys know, am currently in the middle of chocol8 rush. being in sucha good mood, rofl. well, it sounds like it's going to rain. ima pray that it will stop raining by tmr morning cuz am having P.E. and if it still does, 4/3 is really cursed. :O stop short.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm the man.

chinese o level results were out today, manz. alright, i got a B3 for my written papers and Merit for my oral. well, i pretty much think it's good enough. thanks god. HAHA. chemistry: 41/50. geography: 37.5/50. ok, i gotta say that i h8 my geo result. not that i'm greedy or what but i thought i could have do beta since i really did study for it. idc much about being the highest in geo, tbh. dang, me feel really awful now. so, as for today, it went pretty ok. typical school life, just that i got back my chinese which, i think, makes it a lil exciting. udk how nervous i was. my palms were even sweaty in the AVT, o god. anw, everything's over now. my mom and mama so gonna treat me to a big feast, rofl. can't w8 to be in heaven again, HAHA. well, am bored. my aunt is staying over at caius's hse for a few days, crap. -_- me intended to have some ladies' talk w/ her. actually, not really ladies' talk. um, more like, private? anw, i just finished watching a cd which me and ty rented. it's called, she's the man. totally awesome so y'all can go watch it by any chance. well, i guess i should get on w/ other stuffs now. bye huns. :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The beginning.

decided. i've skipped maths ec today just to fetch my aunt. she gave us a hug once we saw each other in airport. how sweet, HAHA. just so u know, i just got home from visiting my grandma. she's doing good, i guess. oh, my cousin showed me some funny pranks by the japanese in youtube. manz, it's funny. rofl. ok, let's move on to the highlight for today. my hse is flooded w/ chocol8 which was bought by my aunt. awesome much? o god, i can't w8 to finish them up. yum yum. well, it must have cost a bomb. :\ but i think she don't mind at all, how nice. mmk, i think i might be mia this couple of weeks. gotta spend time w/ her. (L) ciao, pals.

Monday, August 17, 2009

What is my remedy?

got back a few of my Prelim results. English: 64/100. SS: 27/50. ok, i so luv my SS result. i mean honestly, not being sarcastic. really. i was like, if i did pass my SS, i have no comment. but really, had to praise god for that. well, nth much happened today. served detention after school for being l8 3rd time and training after that. um, am still considering. should i skip maths ec tmr? as u know, my aunt is coming back so ima go fetch her at the airport. her flight gonna arrive at 1755 tmr, and am not quite sure if i can make it since ec ended at 1730. >.> o well, i shall decide again l8r. so ciao, y'all. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Confession that i know i have to tell.

w00t! i woke up at 1500 and this is alr the second time. >.> slept l8 last night. again. was supposed to meet gina at 0930 but overslept. am so sorry. :\ o well, i had wasted half my day just like that so decided to just stayed at home. um, not all the way tho. at ard 1800, ty wanna had her hair trim, cut, w/e. for me, no. h8 regretting if it's not nice and i've alr regretted almost every haircuts. i guess i shall just w8 till sept holiday, HAHA. but stupid ty changed her plan once we arrived at greenridge sc. wth? so we just bought bbt, 2bars of cadbury bars (one for each of us), Ben and Jerry's smores and sweets. yes, all snacks. HAHA. me luv it. (L) well, i think we were having chocol8 rush today. >.> got home and finished the tub of Ben and Jerry's. o god, i would neva buy that again. it said in the label that there are marshmellows. but, where the hell are they?! i didn't even taste it, fgs. -_- well, i kinda pity my bro. he's currently down w/ fever and cough so ha for him, he can't get to have a scoop of it. rofl. anw, get better la, weakling. oh btw, my aunt isn't coming back tmr yet. she's taking the flight tmr but will be arriving on tuesday instead. i got it wrong, oops. so yeah. still, me can't w8 for her return. :) there's sth that i had been keeping from some ppl and idk what to do either. has life actually been treating me good? hmm. P.S: this is not emo.

Family bonding.

woke up at 1015 or so. didn't went to church as me and ty had to look after my grandma. her right leg is damn swollen. :\ it's like, bruise from her thigh and all the way to her foot. yeah, kinda gross. oh, guess what?! i pwned my sis and bro in marvel vs capton. y'all ever know what that is? it's kinda a fighting game. 5-0 against my sis and 6-0 against my bro. rofl, am i hardcore or what? HAHA. it was fun but my bro won me in fifa soccer. 3-2. well, good play tho. evening falls and we all went to have dinner. after that, watched my cousin played his dota. um, i totally had no idea why ppl think it's interesting. no offence. anw, at ard 1900, my cousin brought me, sis and bro to catch "where got ghost" at a cinema near his hse. before i forget, his friends were there too. well, the movie sucks. not that it's awful but i just didn't know that it would be so scary. just so u know, me so h8 horror movies. i can say that 3/4 of the movie, i was covering my eyes. hardly even saw any ghost, just a white figure. tbh. really wasted my cousin's $, sorry. 2300, the Lee siblings and another cousin w/ my mom and aunt went to have supper at mac. i ordered wasabi fillet o fish. yum yum. :) yeah, so here i am blogging at this time. oh btw, my keyboard sucks right now. there's sth stupidly wrong w/ my lappy. crap, manz. lil help here, plz. S.O.S. -_-

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time flies.

blogging at this time is so...
like me. rofl. well, i could have blogged earlier but i slept from 1700 to 2300. wth, right? i know. i guess it's b/c i haven't really been sleeping before 12 this few days, that's why. when i woke up at 2300, idk what happened before that. ok, actually there was founder's day celebration in school. so BTH, APS and AES would come tgt to have sorta a friendly match in some sports. bball was one of it. sadly, AES didn't get the champion for bball but they definitely could have. probably luck was on APS's side. after the whole event ended, all bballers took photos tgt. it was really funny, esp. maverick. he makes me laugh really hard when he did a stupid action, rofl. today was extremely fun. so, it was alr going to noon by then. 176 to bpp w/ caius, ty, jy, eugenius. we had our lunch there, me bought grilled fish w/ spaghetti. it's nice except for the yolk, me no likey. :S yeah, i luv talking 'bout nice food. that's so me, HAHA. what else? hmm. oh right. my grandma got discharged today, gotta take good care of her. (commanded by aunts) make sure she doesn't walk ard too much and stuffs. well, there's one thing i must say.
oh, i'm just so excited. we are sure to be talking 'bout a lot of crap once she's back. anw, i really have to apologise to my cg members. really sorry, i can't make it for the movie. D:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life of choices.

sorry, am busy for the past few days of gaming. @.@ was supposed to go back for O level's MT results but it was postponed due to some stuffs? anw, w/e. idk if i'm excited to know either. in the end, stayed at home. um, not really actually. i did go over to my grandma's hse to do some vacuumimg as she's still in the hospital. oh, i wanna say that my dad is lazy. >.> he doesn't want to drive me to the hospital and i had to met up w/ ty and caius at school's bus stop. wth? dang. if not, i would have visit my grandma much more earlier. argh. still, we went to see her for an hr or so and bus home afterwards. just so u know, she's doing fine. not that in pain compared to the first time i saw her. might be discharged tmr? i think. :o so, as for today. it was kinda a mission week for NA students. all i could say is, it's totally fun and beneficial. HAHA. honestly, i think i learnt alot. gonna share it to my family l8r. BMW huh? rofl. i guess my sis would only know what i mean. mmk, perhaps i'll just share some here. ok, listen. we watched this short video clip from a movie. o god, i forgotten what's the movie called. :\ but anw, there was this teacher impacting her class of pupils' point of view. basically, their mindset. so she was like, talking 'bout choices. to summarise it, she was saying that everyone have choices to make however, some may choose not to make as they looked at the negative side of life. those pupils think that their life is ruined, they can't gradu8, their hometown is an area of crimes and no one can change the fact 'bout it. their mindsets are like, do we even have a choice? we are stucked in this way, forever. so yeah, they sucks. HAHA, jk. :) o w8! i think i rmbed the movie's name. it's called Dangerous Minds. (i guess so.) btw, the speech from the teacher was inspiring. mhmm. overall, today was fun. that's about it.
P.S: POA result sucks, don't ask me. -_-

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sweet and Low.

POA1 and maths1 today. i'm gonna flunked POA for sure. ok, blame it on me for not studying hard enough. :\ heard from xx 'bout my physics result. did really good, contented. spent 2hrs on it, so of coz i would want my physics to score well. tyvm, god. HAHA. well, no school for me tmr. might visit my grandma? still deciding. think my sis is being evil. guess what? she left the key at home today and when i'm dismissed, i can't go home. thanks alot, manz. so, hang out w/ xx at bpp. bbt, library, kopitiam, ntuc, subway, home. at that time, dad had reached home so finally am able to get in. thanks hun for ya accompany, rofl. if not, i guess i had to w8 for 2hrs alone. -_- right now, it's only 6days away from my aunt's return. omg, me can't w8. am so going to fetch her from the airport. promise. me luv and misses her alot. (L)

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Get well soon. (L)

my grandma is in hospital. it was really heartbreaking to see her in this kinda state.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

afterall, it was still the same.

can it get any more boring? national day celebration in school today. pathetic but i really appreciate those hosts' effort for trying to bring up the atmosphere. well, soz if i wasn't really supportive. :S just doesn't like screaming for sth i ain't interested 'bout. mmk, school was dragged on till almost 11. @.@ walked to bpp after that to buy my subway cookies and bbt, rofl. yum yum. oh! we rented a cd, super hilarious movie. unfortun8ly, me can't tell. a lil embarrassing if i do. :/ i was laughing almost every action they did. highly recommended. HAHA. well, before going home, there was supposed to be cg. in the end, only me, ty and gina were able to make it. sad, manz. so gina decided we should evaluate on some stuffs instead. wasn't much exciting today so pardon me for that. it's l8 and i guess me should turn in now. goodn, y'all.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


no school today. well, at least for me tho. woke up at 1015 or so. got bored so switched on the comp. got bored again but luckily, xx came on. asked her where she'll be heading to today and just like me, she wasn't going anywhere. xx said she was rotting so we decided to hang out at bpp and when i said hang out, i meant studying too. few mins l8r, gina called. she wanna meet me so i guess me should meet her first but i feel kinda bad to delay xx's hang out. w/e. i did that, anw. sorry hun, rofl. btw, just to let y'all know. it was fun talking w/ gina. oops, can't tell y'all what we talked 'bout. secret. :o mm, i think we chatted for an hr? so after that, text xx that i'm done. me was like, hell manz, she's slow. >.> text her again to rush her and her reply was funny. rofl, she wanna take "revenge". not long, she reached. finally. told her am hungry so i bought 3 subway cookies. treat her one tho. am i nice or what? HAHA. study maths at ljs and after a while, me wanna eat the cookies again. bought another 3. actually, me was feeling awful eating so many. but o well, i continued. in the end, ate 5. @.@ xx was right, ya can't eat all of the 3 or else ya'll feel really full. mmk, gotta admit one thing. xx is smarter than me, rofl. she find my mistakes while doing maths paper, thanks hun. :o doing 45 mins of maths and chatted 1hr 3omins. we shared a lot of stuffs, laugh pretty a lot too. me luv her. (L) HAHA. oh, yeah. ty came to find us after she was dismissed. at the same time, mom told us to eat outside. well, too bad she didn't came w/ us cuz we had our dinner at swensens. w00ts! ordered seafood lasagne. double w00ts! HAHA, owned. as for ty, she had some weird fish and chips thingy. new in swensens tho and idk if she liked it. :S and the most heart pounding moment came, the can-i-have-the-bill-plz. my god, it was 33.90$. fgs, it's only 2 ppl's meal. anw, that was understandable cuz look where are we dining at. >.> ty wasn't dumb enough to order some dessert, phew. so we paid up and left. btw, xx lent us some $ too. thanks again, hun. mmk, ima go play some ownage games. lastly, thanks god for today.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

What a day.

hiheyhello. firstly, i got to say that i'm pissed right now. wth, i don't get my mom sometimes. she wanted me to leave the lappy in her room before she sleep. fgs, it's not as tho i'm having exams tmr. anw, i did study for every subjects, ok. >.> of coz everyone have to rest in between revision to relax a lil. i ain't some kinda robot. humans need break, manz. so !@#$% . argh! see? it totally ruined my mood and now i can't think what to blog. @.@ how shall i start? oh, right. ok, maths2 was GAY! idk if it's hard or i didn't study much for it. however, i heard rachel saying it was hard so i pretty much guess it wasn't me not studying but the paper's fault. :o mhmm. so after maths2, it was geo. did kinda good, i think. don't wanna have false hope, HAHA. well, geo ended ard 1215 and it was raining outside. no umbrella. no raincoat. followed xx to find a teacher and she got 3o$ commission for helping some stuffs. due to the stupid rain, she wanted to take cab to lot1 w/ janice and zhiyun. obviously she can't just ditched me in school so decided to ask her to drop me off at my house first. walkwalkwalk. finally, a cab. hailed it, got in, no location given of where we were going, suddenly, driver said he needa go to the hospital now, dropped us at the bus stop just outta school, back to the place we weren't expected to be, again. weird or what? all of us were like, :O. omg, that driver. he's too awesome that i had no comment. >.> and there goes our time. in the end, we still took bus. they went lot1 while i headed to bpp to buy my mcflurry. actually, i was intended to buy 7eleven cookies. yst, my dad asked me to finish the cookie. and god, it was heavenly awesome! might be nicer than subway tho, idk. too good to be true. as u know, it was still raining. i gotta "protect" my mcflurry while i walked home and make sure it's prefectly ok once i reached a shelter. the life of the mcflurry is more important than mine. mmk, let's make the rest of the day short. online. dinner. pasar malam. revision on maths. online again. yeah, that's abt it. oh, w8. no school for me tmr, owned. HAHA.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

I do care.

wellwellwellwellwellwell, sciences (phy and chem) are over. -sigh of relief- tmr would be geography and maths2. currently, i'm close to finishing my revision for geo. ok, the papers for today are neither hard nor easy. passing isn't a problem but i'm more into getting good grade. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. mmm, what else? oh yeah, about today. ended at 1030, had a light breakfast w/ ty and left school. being at home was like, heaven. am a slacker in this aftn, using lappy for quite long but who cares? HAHA. prelims's driving me crazyeeea. >.> been staying up for the past 2 days till 0130 or so. -yawn- o well, blame who? mmk, ima go study maths soon w/ the help from ty. P.S: i h8 maths.

And if Cupid's got a gun, and he's shootin'

Monday, August 03, 2009

Dying from revision.

ok, brain dead now. plus, TIRED. i had spent 2 whole hours revising physics and there's still chemistry to go. aw. i might die, manz. i guess i'll keep telling myself to endure. ima take a break now so i'll just post sth about today. well, had my SS and POA2 papers. i'm so going to flunk both. i mean c'mon la, only 1 hr and 30mins for SS and we gotta complete 2 essays and 4 qns from source-based. this is bs, honestly. me was really sleepy in the hall too, slept l8 last night. >.> i was like, writing the word "positive" and my eyes just closed. my god. can't believe that myself either. anw, POA2 was worst. am only able to do 1qns, wth? argh. !@#$% after my last paper, waited for ty and we went for training. training was alright or should i say slack? but still, we left earlier as i gotta go home to study. didn't went straight home tho, HA. bbp. bbt. return books. NTUC. home. revise. blogging. yeah, so far so "good". needa start revising. again. so, ciao y'all.

you're beautiful, that's for sure.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


guess what? i can't think right now. nothing seem to get into my head. w/e i studied seem wasted and i h8 it. my god. how? i'm still stuck in stupid SS. have a feeling that chapter 6 will be out, anyone wanna give it a try? i have POA2 revision to go. -slaps head- i know i shouldn't be blogging atm, but honestly, what else can i do? i somehow hope i wasn't out in the past few days so i can have time to at least study more. anw, today wasn't that bad. i had my swensens, like so finally. my mom had been "postponing" the swensens' deal for like, idk-how-many-donkey years. >.> ordered seafood lasagne. ok, the lasagne is too good to be true, altho it's kinda small but who cares? highly recommended, trust me. after finishing, my banana crumple came. um, sadly, i got sick of it after a few bites. it ain't that bad tho. so yeah. after the meal, my sis, bro and me bought some sweet, sticky, lollipop-like candy. believe it or not, we took almost an hour to finish that stuff up. btw, we were competing w/ each others. the last to finish it would be me and my sis's slave for the day. obviously, it wasn't me. my bro was the last, WOOT! next stop: home. o well, ima go out to buy bbt soon. or maybe not. on the verge of dehydration, i guess. mmk, i should force myself to study now before time flies. wish me luck, y'all. i srsly need that. luck.


well, don't ask me why am i doing this cuz some things are unpredictable. like, u won't know when u'll die, right? so here i am. ok, roaming around the city could be fun. honestly. u know, the night sky, city lights, breeze etc. but when u are living in the west and east is totally an unknown place for u sucks. there's no straight bus, fgs! so me and my sis had to go round searching. it took us 3 whole hours to reach home. >.> cool or what? man, i have not start studying for my mon's exams. (POA and SS) ima turn hardcore tmr since today i had been slacking a lil. maybe not a lil, it's the whole day. my god.
so, ima go to bed now. night, y'all.