Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The beginning.

decided. i've skipped maths ec today just to fetch my aunt. she gave us a hug once we saw each other in airport. how sweet, HAHA. just so u know, i just got home from visiting my grandma. she's doing good, i guess. oh, my cousin showed me some funny pranks by the japanese in youtube. manz, it's funny. rofl. ok, let's move on to the highlight for today. my hse is flooded w/ chocol8 which was bought by my aunt. awesome much? o god, i can't w8 to finish them up. yum yum. well, it must have cost a bomb. :\ but i think she don't mind at all, how nice. mmk, i think i might be mia this couple of weeks. gotta spend time w/ her. (L) ciao, pals.