Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time flies.

blogging at this time is so...
like me. rofl. well, i could have blogged earlier but i slept from 1700 to 2300. wth, right? i know. i guess it's b/c i haven't really been sleeping before 12 this few days, that's why. when i woke up at 2300, idk what happened before that. ok, actually there was founder's day celebration in school. so BTH, APS and AES would come tgt to have sorta a friendly match in some sports. bball was one of it. sadly, AES didn't get the champion for bball but they definitely could have. probably luck was on APS's side. after the whole event ended, all bballers took photos tgt. it was really funny, esp. maverick. he makes me laugh really hard when he did a stupid action, rofl. today was extremely fun. so, it was alr going to noon by then. 176 to bpp w/ caius, ty, jy, eugenius. we had our lunch there, me bought grilled fish w/ spaghetti. it's nice except for the yolk, me no likey. :S yeah, i luv talking 'bout nice food. that's so me, HAHA. what else? hmm. oh right. my grandma got discharged today, gotta take good care of her. (commanded by aunts) make sure she doesn't walk ard too much and stuffs. well, there's one thing i must say.
oh, i'm just so excited. we are sure to be talking 'bout a lot of crap once she's back. anw, i really have to apologise to my cg members. really sorry, i can't make it for the movie. D: