Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've let u guys down again.

i'm at my aunt's hse. again. this time, we are going to celebrate my cousin's b'day. not baking cookies or w/e, ok. guess i'll come back to post l8r, after the whole "party". brb. :)

the "party" was awesome. hella lots of my cousins came at ard 1800 while me and my sis were having our dinner first. well, the food was awesome too. aiyah. basically, everything was awesome. HAHA. so after eating, we quickly siam. reason was we doesn't wanna be inconsiderate. oh and caius came w/ a bball! w00t. but we didn't went down to the court immediately. me, ty, caius and royce watched some youtube vid. caius showed us an official music vid of one time by Justin Bieber. manz, what can i say? he is cute cum hot. rofl. but sadly, he's 15 w/o puberty? :O lol, my bad. not w/o puberty, it just that his voice hasn't break yet. hmm, yesh. but idc, the song he sang was good. like, hella good. this result to me and my sis going bonkers after seeing his music vid. >.> yesh. typical girls? but the most funny part was when caius asked royce whether is he really that hot. royce goes,"of coz. b/c that is me." this makes us ROFLMAO. o god, royce... he can be so silly at times. lol, so that is royce for u. o btw, the song is in my playlist. mmk, fast forward. so me, my sis and caius played bball at the court nearby. wasn't that fun until one of our cousin came. he got his knee ligament torn and undergo an operation not long ago so he can't play much sports but still, caius and him paired up against me and ty. and excuse me? they, against the twinz? HAHA. so duhz, twinz owned them. good game tho. it was funny too. esp when jonas can't run and poor caius have to take down 2 ppl alone. no hard feeling, ya? rofl. went to buy bbt after that. this time, caven came along w/ us. so we the foursome went searching for bbt shop. o boy, caven was troublesome and we gotta give in. cuz u know, kids. can't complain much. @.@ o well. head back to aunt's hse. caius showed us some awesome youtube vids again. there's this guy, he is god damn incredible. trust me. super talented, manz. we watched top10 funny NBA plays too. the top1 was like, damn gay. so, we got ourselves ROFLMAO again. we were like, wth?!?! lol. at ard 2100, it was time to cut the cake. ok, not so much of a yummy cake tho. :\ hmm. slacked a lil and caius, royce, caven and others had to go. aww. ): aftermath, everything turns boring. 20< (age) cousins went to play mahjong in a room. yesh, ditchers? anw, my grandma is silly cum hilarious. lol, doesn't wanna touch much on that. she can be so lovable at times. (L) it's l8 now and i'm still blogging. damn mum for leaving at 2300. -_- i should go get some sleep soon as i predict that tmr's gonna be hell for me. long day, actually. cuz me, ty and caius are going out w/ my aunt at 0930. um, think to some church conference or sth? maybe royce is coming too if it doesn't crash w/ his tuition schedule. :\ pray so. he can be sucha clown, rofl. kinda looking forward. as for my ending, i would like to truly apologise to gina, mingyee and jiahui. i know i've been rather off this days. gimme some time to reflect, ok? it do make me feel bad. leaving u guys and church is the last thing i would eva do. i'm sorry for being sucha failure, palz. ):