Monday, August 24, 2009

Shine like stars.

o well, am really going to fall sick soon. D:
idk, kept sneeeeeeezing like hell. guess my nose gonna dropped off sooner or l8r. :\ gross, i know. uh oh. my head feel so heavy now. aw, any good soul out there to save me from my misery? it probably had to do w/ today's training. hmm, lemme see. we train under hot sun. run like some mad cows. sweat like dogs. yeah so it must be due to the training. still, it's acceptable. idm at all. but srsly, our stamina sucks to the core and what's w/ those attitudes? i mean c'mon la. this is what we gonna endure and go through in order to play like champions. who would wanna play bball like some noobs? honestly. anw, no offence here. :) so don't get the wrong idea. am not being mean here, HAHA. alright. basically, that's all i would like to say. now, ima go buck up in my studies. hw time. >.> peace. \/