Thursday, August 06, 2009


no school today. well, at least for me tho. woke up at 1015 or so. got bored so switched on the comp. got bored again but luckily, xx came on. asked her where she'll be heading to today and just like me, she wasn't going anywhere. xx said she was rotting so we decided to hang out at bpp and when i said hang out, i meant studying too. few mins l8r, gina called. she wanna meet me so i guess me should meet her first but i feel kinda bad to delay xx's hang out. w/e. i did that, anw. sorry hun, rofl. btw, just to let y'all know. it was fun talking w/ gina. oops, can't tell y'all what we talked 'bout. secret. :o mm, i think we chatted for an hr? so after that, text xx that i'm done. me was like, hell manz, she's slow. >.> text her again to rush her and her reply was funny. rofl, she wanna take "revenge". not long, she reached. finally. told her am hungry so i bought 3 subway cookies. treat her one tho. am i nice or what? HAHA. study maths at ljs and after a while, me wanna eat the cookies again. bought another 3. actually, me was feeling awful eating so many. but o well, i continued. in the end, ate 5. @.@ xx was right, ya can't eat all of the 3 or else ya'll feel really full. mmk, gotta admit one thing. xx is smarter than me, rofl. she find my mistakes while doing maths paper, thanks hun. :o doing 45 mins of maths and chatted 1hr 3omins. we shared a lot of stuffs, laugh pretty a lot too. me luv her. (L) HAHA. oh, yeah. ty came to find us after she was dismissed. at the same time, mom told us to eat outside. well, too bad she didn't came w/ us cuz we had our dinner at swensens. w00ts! ordered seafood lasagne. double w00ts! HAHA, owned. as for ty, she had some weird fish and chips thingy. new in swensens tho and idk if she liked it. :S and the most heart pounding moment came, the can-i-have-the-bill-plz. my god, it was 33.90$. fgs, it's only 2 ppl's meal. anw, that was understandable cuz look where are we dining at. >.> ty wasn't dumb enough to order some dessert, phew. so we paid up and left. btw, xx lent us some $ too. thanks again, hun. mmk, ima go play some ownage games. lastly, thanks god for today.