Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life of choices.

sorry, am busy for the past few days of gaming. @.@ was supposed to go back for O level's MT results but it was postponed due to some stuffs? anw, w/e. idk if i'm excited to know either. in the end, stayed at home. um, not really actually. i did go over to my grandma's hse to do some vacuumimg as she's still in the hospital. oh, i wanna say that my dad is lazy. >.> he doesn't want to drive me to the hospital and i had to met up w/ ty and caius at school's bus stop. wth? dang. if not, i would have visit my grandma much more earlier. argh. still, we went to see her for an hr or so and bus home afterwards. just so u know, she's doing fine. not that in pain compared to the first time i saw her. might be discharged tmr? i think. :o so, as for today. it was kinda a mission week for NA students. all i could say is, it's totally fun and beneficial. HAHA. honestly, i think i learnt alot. gonna share it to my family l8r. BMW huh? rofl. i guess my sis would only know what i mean. mmk, perhaps i'll just share some here. ok, listen. we watched this short video clip from a movie. o god, i forgotten what's the movie called. :\ but anw, there was this teacher impacting her class of pupils' point of view. basically, their mindset. so she was like, talking 'bout choices. to summarise it, she was saying that everyone have choices to make however, some may choose not to make as they looked at the negative side of life. those pupils think that their life is ruined, they can't gradu8, their hometown is an area of crimes and no one can change the fact 'bout it. their mindsets are like, do we even have a choice? we are stucked in this way, forever. so yeah, they sucks. HAHA, jk. :) o w8! i think i rmbed the movie's name. it's called Dangerous Minds. (i guess so.) btw, the speech from the teacher was inspiring. mhmm. overall, today was fun. that's about it.
P.S: POA result sucks, don't ask me. -_-