Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Should be studying.

watching WNBA atm, and Tamika's muscles ownz!@!@!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's all about chemistry. Talent alone won't get it done.

pretty a tired day today. church in the afternoon then buy each a cup and some "yummy" stuffs after that. headed home and i swear my eyes are closing. intended to take a nap when i reached home but decided to go out and play some bball w/ my sis and jianming. went 478 but the whole court was peopleless. >.> so we played 2v1 first and it was awfully tired. i think the 3 of us were catching for breath every min. lol, jianming esp. just then, ty suggested us to play at 418 instead. i agreed and we walked there. boom, there was people. played 3v4 and 4v4. uber exhausted. my whole body needs rest now. great to play this kinda bball again. another time? :D

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tamika Catchings.

after school, went home to watch WNBA on ESPEN. sadly, Indiana Fever didn't win even tho they were leading in the first 2 quarter. :\ but still, Tamika Catchings ownz. she's pretty and awesome. (L) her no. is 24, same as Kobe as well. lol. so yeah. it was a good play, i can say. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wth was i thinking?

didn't managed to sleep in any lessons today. hip hip hooray? lol. i'm pretty much impressed cuz i slept at 2 last night. hope tmr would be the same. :) anw, school's ok today. reading my current novel kills time in school. and after school, my sis had me w8ed for 30mins. luckily, caius accompany me. he even intro his friends to me and me to his friends, lmao. so there was this annoying nerd (i could say) that kept bugging them, saying about studying and stuffs. then caius was like, sthu. ROFLMAO. damn it, that was crude but funny in a way. fgs, caius ah. >.> my l8r part of the day was nothing. so tchao, which is bye in french. anw, i learnt some french words from someone. :D

Monday, September 21, 2009


oh boy, i'm lazy to blog 'bout today. guess i'll just keep it short. during the evening, went to caius's place for some bbq.
1) bball w/ ty, caius and his friends.
2) ate some stuffs.
3) chatted w/ jonas, louis and mama.
4) watched caius, louis and jonas playing ABCs on the court and had a good laugh.
5) played 2v2. (twinz vs louis and caius.)
6) listened to caius playing piano.
7) watched Fantastic4 w/ caven.
everything was awesome. i luv family gathering b/c of my cousinz. thankz god for them. well, reached home really l8. end of it? :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hello, Mr Friday.

finally, it's friday. been looking forward to this day so much. now, i can chillz a lil but still gotta study. anw, school didn't start well b/c i was really tired. mrs Koor thinks i read too much novels. lmao. but that wasn't really the reason. actually, i stayed up kinda l8 last night, watching tv. Made was on MTV at midnight so decided to watch it w/ my sis. it's an awesome show. last night/morning was about this guy who wanted to be made into a basketball player and into the team as well. so, that explained my tiredness. :\ during P.E, we played handball. it's kinda a new sport to us but i watched it several times during the 2008 olympics. first time playing it so i kinda suckz at that. lol, idc. when school ended, the whole basketball teams stayed back for study programme. pek's idea, lmao. sat w/ ty, inn chong, hosea and jianming. sianz, jianyong got his wrist injured again and had to marsiling so he couldn't join us today. ): damn. how i wish he was there today. but anw, total fun throughout. i did my maths paper1 and got sleepy so slept at a corner for like, 45mins? kinda shiokz, haha. woke up and saw ty using pek's lappy. asked whether is there internet and went into youtube. showed jianming, hosea and inn chong "funniest basketball bloopers". all of us had a good laugh, lmao. then, jianming, that joker, did sth really annoying but funny. btw, he talked alot of craps today. suppose to have 3on3 bball after 2-3hrs of studying but it was raining cats and dogs outside. sad. went to the hall and played a game like handball. in the first place, pek chose me and ty to be captains which means we were separated. >.> smart ass. but luckily, jianming and hosea were on my side and caius on hers. me and jianming have kinda good teamwork, lol. soon, ty switched w/ someone and came to my team. when caius saw that, he switched too. so now we were the ownage team, lmao. fell down several times. but there was once when i chase after the ball w/ someone and my knee hit onto a metal board. i was like, OW! it was really painful but i got the ball first. just then, i found myself unable to stand up on my own and ty came to help me. somehow, once i continued playing, it doesn't hurt that much. however, there is a bruise now. kept laughing when playing. jianming was really funny today. so was lloyd. jianming even said hosea's leg muscle is like the leg of a horse. like, wth? lol. played for an hour or so then pek blew the whistle. i found myself bonded w/ dailong, jeremy, charles etc. they are great pplz. :) had dinner at bbp and i'm broke now. caius, ty and me are all penniless, lol. hmm, ima guess that i'll have muscleache tmr. o god, there's a sorta friendly game w/ jwss tmr too. damn it. plz don't let it ache alot and best wishes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mad. Happy. Sad.

the plane that my aunt is in now must have taken off. so yeah, bon voyage to her. i just hope this time i won't cry myself to sleep. second thought, i guess i won't. ok, i srsly pity caius. he got the strictest mom in our whole family. poor thing. i h8 her mom for controlling his life and freedom way too much. i mean, wth? can't caius come over to our place? can't we even listen to 987 on radio in her car? can't caius and us bid farewell to our aunt for the last time? so what if there's school tmr? idc. this is pissing me off, manz. anw, reached airport at 2130. her flight is 2330 so she gotta checked in at 2230. while w8ing, me, caius, maurice, ty and amanda went down to mac to buy some ice-cream. saw some free internet usage so went for it. lmao. watched "best bball blooper" and "best soccer blooper". damn, it was hilarious. me, caius and ty were laughing so hard that my bro got ashamed of us. well, sorry, can't help it. :\ took some family photos and aunt bought us chocl8 over there too. w00t! but unfortun8ly, as much as i want her to stay, she still had to go. so she gave each of us a hug and checked in. tears were stinging my eyes. ): uh, ima stop short so goodnight to all.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

don't go?

phew, i'm back home finally. family gathering over at my grandma's hse earlier on and it was awesome. cousinz were all there except for one but still, i enjoyed myself. had steamboat too. it's kinda l8 and i doesn't want to spend too long on lappy. well, sad thing is that sept holiday have officially ended. school tmr. crappy noob shit. -_- anw, we joke and laughed alot over there. jonas and han is still the friggin' old funny one. caius dropped his meatball when jonas was telling a ghost story to us. actually, not b/c of that. out of the sudden, he just raise his voice and caius got shocked, i guess. lmao. caven is still the royal pain in the butt. he did some silly action of him playing yo-yo. >.> anw, this got us all laughing at him. yeah, everything went pretty well except for my sis's lappy. she got grounded again. argh, mom. >.> o well. ima go to pack my stuffs now. peace to all. :)
P.S: aunt's leaving for London tmr. so gonna miss her. D:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bon voyage?

back from the farewell celebration for my aunt. it was fun at first. we talked about evil spirit and stuffs. well, evil spirits are real but god is way more powerful. i got scared when my aunt told me about a story. kinda sad but funny in a way. we crap and laughed alot. caius and royce just keep quarrelling w/ each other. i think i'll side caius. ha to royce! oh, we prayed tgt a couple of times too. yeah, had our brownie cake as well. yum yum. however, all this was short-lived. when their family came over, everything suckz to the core. srsly. caven was a royal pain in the butt! >.> some personal stuffs happened too. crap. i bet my aunt was kinda unhappy about it too. ): o well. blame who? anw, in the noon, me and my sis went for church service. went to get our brownie cake after that and back home. my day just went passed like this. i know i'm gonna miss my aunt hella lots and she's leaving soon. like, really soon. can't believe one month just flew by that quickly. fgs, i hardly spend any time w/ her. maybe tmr? last day. last opportunity. well, at least for this year.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gimme a time machine.

WTFish. my aunt is returning to London in 3 more days. ):

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Killer paper kills me today.

today english was friggin' old hard. -_- damn it, can. furthermore, i was really tired. keep giving questions like, answer in your own words. blah. gay siak. if i fail it, i swear i'll kill myself. :O joke. i ain't emo, ok. :) hmm. i should get some sleep l8r on and stay up l8 tonight? idk. i'm kinda looking forward to tmr. we will all be baking cookies and make pancakes tgt. damn, can't w8. my aunt, caius, royce, maurice, ty and me will be doing all this. w00t! brain dead so peace to all. /\

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

This is the real thing.

ima sew my skirt right now. anw, just got home from caius's place. firstly, the paper today was ok but i didn't get to finish it. still, wanna thankz god. i know he was helping me. :) i would like to thank my sis too. lol, she caught me wearing flip-flop when i was supposed to be wearing shoes! fgs. if she didn't call up to me, i would have wear my flip-flop all the way to school and get myself embarrass. >.> thankiez to ty! anw, went to celebrate my cousin's b'day. Lex's. he is caius's bro and just turn 1 year old. lmao. still, happy birthday to him. :) been enjoying myself there. studied a lil on English w/ ty. my aunt was friggin' old funny today. she said she had a bad news for me and ty so she told us. btw, she was giving a kinda apologetic look. "bad" news was staying behind to celebrate Lex's b'day then me and ty were like, glancing at each other and i bet both of us were wondering,"is that a bad new?" lol. told my aunt that and we just laughed tgt. what a joke. well, me, ty and caius went to play bball at around 1800. altho there's only 3 of us, we were sweating like dogs. all of our clothes were like, 2/3 drenched. what more fun was when my aunt came to join us. she and caius against twinz. but not long, she backed out while they were leading. lol, too bad. so caius team up w/ one of his friend. the score was close but still, me and ty owned them. :D back to his home at 2000. had our dinner and i did some revision again. gracious goodness, caven was a freaking old ass today. too skinny and hyper. hyper = irritating. even punched me, manz. -_- o well. -shrugs- kids. lmao. ok, ima go for guyz who played piano now. guyz + piano = sweet and romantic. honestly. when i saw royce and caius playing some songs called blue moon, top cat and enchanted garden. manz! i swear i can melt on the spot. they were like so into it. if they are not my cousinz, i'll get one of them to be my bf. lmao. they are really good and this can be kinda romantic. :O HAHA, luv them. well, i should get going and go to bed early. english tmr. ima go put my faith in god like how i did today. may god bless me, thankiez. (L)

Monday, September 07, 2009


N level starting tmr. SS. damn, read just one theme. may god bless me. ):

Friday, September 04, 2009

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

school, slept for a period and half. however, PE energized me. altho i was playing bball for hardly 30mins, lightning risk sounded but still, it's good enough. tyvm god. :) after school, went home and down for shepherding l8r. my sis too. while walking to bpp, i tripped on the stairs twice. god damn it. >.> same goes to ty, really. after i tripped, she tripped. lmao. u pplz should see her action, it makes me laughed so hard. sorry, ziz. lol. idk what's w/ my bro today. he's like, friggin' old funny. the highlight of today was when i scared my bro. manz, i should have video his facial expression down. ROFLMAO. at first, i was like, OI! practically shouting, btw. and he was stunned and gave me a frightened look. it seems to say,"omg, who is she?" lmao, so this keep me laughing till now. i'm kinda laughing and typing at the same time, lol. hope he and ty see this. they would either laugh w/ me or kill me. uh, but who cares? :D anw, ima sleep early today. @.@ friendly w/ jwss tmr? wish me luck, lol.

Thursday, September 03, 2009


today was sucha a wonderful day except for what happened 30mins ago. >.> damn. anw, i was friggin' old tired during the lessons before recess. first period was MT so no lesson for me. went to the library and sleep. bell rang and it was maths. i swear for 1 sec, i thought i might faint once i start walking. my head was throbbing. god damn it. D: and during maths, i managed to survive it. go me. geo was next. slept throughout. didn't mean to, honestly. gotta thanks XX for explaining to Mrs Steven. :) o well. so after having sth for recess, i think i was pretty much awake. w00t! POA was free period. HA! owned. lol, chatted hella lots w/ MY. from songs>pets>gang>games>tattoo. well, rubbish actually. supposed to have SS ec after school but i needa go home and prepare spaghetti for JH. celebrating her belated b'day. gina and jesslyn were w8ing under the hot sun for me and ty. sorry, huns. :\ still, they came in my hse an hr l8r. most importantly, i hope the vip luv this so-called-surprise "party". HAHA. she beta say she do... well, ima go study now. i had been slacking and neglecting my study. this shouldn't be the way. ): peace, palz. /\

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I think i'm missing someone.

WTFishhhhh. i'm hell bored. ): totally no mood to study, can. stupid ty is just right beside me, HAHA. using "her" lappy right now cuz my damn nub bro is using "mine". mhmm. ima just talk crap.
me to ty: i need u to motiv8 me.
she replied: no wayz.
me: pl0x, womanz. D:
no reply. giving me faces. back to do her own stuffs. no lifer, lol. damn her, she's pointing me the finger. lmao. @.@ o god, she's being really annoying right now. someone plz smack her. >.> wth? -_- gtho me, LEE TING YI! argh. peace pplz, ima go slap her hard. now. :)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


damn it, woke up at 1623. ): slept for like 12hrs? maybe this was time when i needa catch up w/ all my lost sleep. o well, so nth much really happened today. wakiez and on the lappy. manz, i found hella lots of awesome and fabulous RnB songs yst night. i'm on cloud nine now, HAHA. honestly, i just can't seem to live w/o musics. it's always rocking my world. yesh. oh and btw, don't take any of my songs from my playlist unless i intro them to u. personally. srsly, those are hardwork. ok to all? thanks and appreciated. (L)