Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's all about chemistry. Talent alone won't get it done.

pretty a tired day today. church in the afternoon then buy each a cup and some "yummy" stuffs after that. headed home and i swear my eyes are closing. intended to take a nap when i reached home but decided to go out and play some bball w/ my sis and jianming. went 478 but the whole court was peopleless. >.> so we played 2v1 first and it was awfully tired. i think the 3 of us were catching for breath every min. lol, jianming esp. just then, ty suggested us to play at 418 instead. i agreed and we walked there. boom, there was people. played 3v4 and 4v4. uber exhausted. my whole body needs rest now. great to play this kinda bball again. another time? :D