Tuesday, September 08, 2009

This is the real thing.

ima sew my skirt right now. anw, just got home from caius's place. firstly, the paper today was ok but i didn't get to finish it. still, wanna thankz god. i know he was helping me. :) i would like to thank my sis too. lol, she caught me wearing flip-flop when i was supposed to be wearing shoes! fgs. if she didn't call up to me, i would have wear my flip-flop all the way to school and get myself embarrass. >.> thankiez to ty! anw, went to celebrate my cousin's b'day. Lex's. he is caius's bro and just turn 1 year old. lmao. still, happy birthday to him. :) been enjoying myself there. studied a lil on English w/ ty. my aunt was friggin' old funny today. she said she had a bad news for me and ty so she told us. btw, she was giving a kinda apologetic look. "bad" news was staying behind to celebrate Lex's b'day then me and ty were like, glancing at each other and i bet both of us were wondering,"is that a bad new?" lol. told my aunt that and we just laughed tgt. what a joke. well, me, ty and caius went to play bball at around 1800. altho there's only 3 of us, we were sweating like dogs. all of our clothes were like, 2/3 drenched. what more fun was when my aunt came to join us. she and caius against twinz. but not long, she backed out while they were leading. lol, too bad. so caius team up w/ one of his friend. the score was close but still, me and ty owned them. :D back to his home at 2000. had our dinner and i did some revision again. gracious goodness, caven was a freaking old ass today. too skinny and hyper. hyper = irritating. even punched me, manz. -_- o well. -shrugs- kids. lmao. ok, ima go for guyz who played piano now. guyz + piano = sweet and romantic. honestly. when i saw royce and caius playing some songs called blue moon, top cat and enchanted garden. manz! i swear i can melt on the spot. they were like so into it. if they are not my cousinz, i'll get one of them to be my bf. lmao. they are really good and this can be kinda romantic. :O HAHA, luv them. well, i should get going and go to bed early. english tmr. ima go put my faith in god like how i did today. may god bless me, thankiez. (L)