Friday, September 04, 2009

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

school, slept for a period and half. however, PE energized me. altho i was playing bball for hardly 30mins, lightning risk sounded but still, it's good enough. tyvm god. :) after school, went home and down for shepherding l8r. my sis too. while walking to bpp, i tripped on the stairs twice. god damn it. >.> same goes to ty, really. after i tripped, she tripped. lmao. u pplz should see her action, it makes me laughed so hard. sorry, ziz. lol. idk what's w/ my bro today. he's like, friggin' old funny. the highlight of today was when i scared my bro. manz, i should have video his facial expression down. ROFLMAO. at first, i was like, OI! practically shouting, btw. and he was stunned and gave me a frightened look. it seems to say,"omg, who is she?" lmao, so this keep me laughing till now. i'm kinda laughing and typing at the same time, lol. hope he and ty see this. they would either laugh w/ me or kill me. uh, but who cares? :D anw, ima sleep early today. @.@ friendly w/ jwss tmr? wish me luck, lol.